I am a WriterHealerLightworker
How major life transformations became the basis of helping and inspiring others… 11:11 and sudden spiritual awakening, journeying from shadows into the soul’s path…
Cassady’s Story
Journeying from
shadows into the
soul’s path…
How I ended up here
Welcome, I am so glad you’re here! If we haven’t officially met yet, I’m Cassady! Today, I’m a bestselling spiritual author, soulpreneur and lightworker, and my work is all about bringing love and positivity into the world. Since my awakening just 5 years ago, I’ve gone from complete obscurity to assisting tens of thousands of people all over the world in healing and uplifting their journey. I feel truly blessed. But I wasn’t always in this place of positivity and wellness…
How I woke up
I grew up without any spiritual gifts or connection, in dysfunctional surroundings. I was taught that there’s no higher power, no deeper meaning – life is hard, and we die, and that’s it. Not so long ago, everything in my life took a plummeting turn for the worse. I lost my job and had to move back in with my parents due to a chronic health issue, and the world as I had known it came crashing down… A dark night of the soul went on for months, as I sat in my parents’ attic feeling that there was no purpose to my existence. It felt like nothing would ever get better… But then….
11:11, awakening hit me like a bolt of electricity,
Unleashing a journey I could never have expected in a million years. I was activated with light, with unconditional love. Latent intuitive gifts were brought to the surface. Mystical experiences studded my path like jewels lighting the way in the dark. Things I had never believed possible, began to turn commonplace. I was shown in no uncertain terms, that there is so much more to existence than what we tend to think in our human lives. The soul’s light. That we are more than our human names, upbringing, addresses and all the rest of it.
How I can help you
As my own journey improved dramatically, I was guided to start a blog with high vibrational guidance and energy healing sessions for others in awakening. My readership grew and I kept doing my “inner work”, and before long I was able to move – not only out of my parents’ house but eventually halfway across the world to Southern California. In just a few short years I went from life being an uphill struggle, to experiencing “magic”, light and love. I know if it could happen for me – a regular girl from a blue collar family in small-town Northern Europe, without special gifts or connections – transformations like this are available to anyone!
As said in my Hay House book “The Universe Speaks, Are You Listening?”, we are really “meant” to thrive in life. But what happens is, most of us are taught to shut off flow and light, or we take on negative programming. My methods are all about helping you open up to more light and your soul’s power. The #1 thing people report back about when working with me, is they start to feel lighter and more supported in life. Old hurts and stuckness fade away. New positive shifts show up more and more… Including in love, relationships and career… But also within. They feel more at peace and confident, in a state of wellbeing. Radiating their light!
So, are you ready to get started?
You Can Experience A Free Third Eye Activation Session Here
Things you may not have known about me
I love to sing and dance while cooking, and am secretly a real goof! Road trips around my new home state California is one of my favorite things – I love travelling and exploring nature I never met a crystal, flower or essential oil I didn’t love! My home is full of gemstones, candles, sage, mystical trinkets… I grew up dreaming of being a designer, and love creating art, painting, drawing… I’m passionate about wildlife and animal welfare, and my dream is to be able to contribute in some major way in my lifetime to sanctuaries and ecological reserves.
LET YOUR Soul Be Your GuruLight Be Your Guide
LET YOUR Soul Be Your Guide