Tap Into Gentle Wisdom And Support With 7 Guided High Vibrational Messages From The Universe… Today, An Unexpected Fact About “Difficult” People.
Over the coming weeks on the blog I’ll be sharing some channeled messages from the Universe!
These have not been shared elsewhere – so if you’ve read my book “The Universe Speaks, Are You Listening?” these will be completely new for you!
Today, discover the Universe’s message on how to deal with challenging people and how to invite out more of their light. Even, how to shift a difficult connection, to “awaken” the soul in those who seem stuck in “ego”.
“When you’re out and about around other people, try to remember that they’re souls in bodies. They’re in disguise, in many ways. Try to notice the spirit in people, the light and the love in people.
You can make this a fun game, and I guarantee that life will be a lot more upbeat and beautiful this way because if you’re seeing the light in someone you see the best in them, and this is what you’ll attract.
Many people look for the worst in other people. This is a habit, a fear pattern that unfortunately pulls out more of the worst from those they meet. Expect to see the best, and you’ll be astonished at how wonderful the world starts to appear.
Do it consistently like an experiment for a week. Write down your results even. Notice how others’ souls begin showing signs of love where there was once conflict.
The Universe”
For more messages from the Universe, have a look at my Hay House book “The Universe Speaks, Are You Listening? 111 High Vibrational Oracle Messages On Love, Healing And Existence” and get a free bonus gift here.