
Guidance From The Universe, Part 4

Hey there!

I’m Cassady, Spiritual
intuitive, energy coach
and author. I’m here to
help you awaken your
soul’s highest potential
to live YOUR best
life YOUR way!

Tap Into Gentle Wisdom And Support With 7 Guided High Vibrational Messages From The Universe… Today, How To More Easily Resolve Problems


Over the coming weeks on the blog I’ll be sharing some channeled messages from the Universe!

These have not been shared elsewhere – so if you’ve read my book “The Universe Speaks, Are You Listening?” these will be completely new to you!

Today, discover the Universe’s message on resolving problems. How to re-set to open to solutions and allow a higher state to reach you – with ease, with flow.


Sometimes there’s no block in your path, it’s a cloud in front of your eyes – check your perspective: Could it be you’re buying into an illusion that’s warping your perspective, preventing you from seeing what gifts are truly present right now, the opportunities and love that’s truly available to you?

Sometimes what you need is a break from whatever “problems” you’ve been trying to solve. Give yourself some time off. Re-focus.

When you take a step back you allow the energy to settle and paradoxically things can resolve themselves in a different way. This is why people often talk about “letting go” or “surrender”.

It simply means to stop trying so hard right now. To release the energy of trying to control the situation. Because when you do, you allow the situation to shift – holding on and trying to control something keeps it stuck in its place.

So take a step back so that you’re not keeping the situation locked up with tense energy. When you draw back your energy, you allow healing to happen.

So right now, feel your whole being relaxing and just… allow your energy to unwind… feel your mind letting go of problems. Even, visualize them floating away like dandelion spores on the wind.

A simple thing you can do is visualize yourself sitting in a pillar of pure white light that comes down from the universe and goes into the center of earth. Notice any heaviness and negativity you may sense in your body, mind, emotions, and intend you’re releasing it into the light.

Trust that everything will be OK, and you invite in solutions. 

Now, focus on something enjoyable. If you want to, you can always return later. But give yourself a chance to have the issue resolve itself this way first.

Take a step back, relax and allow the energy to settle. Things will look different in the morning. (With bigger long-term issues, give it a week, and notice ideas, options, solutions showing up bit by bit.)


The Universe


the universe speaks are you listening

For more messages from the Universe, have a look at my Hay House book “The Universe Speaks, Are You Listening? 111 High Vibrational Oracle Messages On Love, Healing And Existence” and get a free bonus gift here.

Do you have questions for me or the universe? Comment below!

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I'm Cassady! Intuitive coach, astrologer and bestselling spiritual author. I'm passionate about sharing the secrets of energy and the universe, to help awaken your highest potential and live YOUR best life YOUR way!

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