How To Awaken Your Intuition And Receive Divine Guidance For Your Awakening Path. Discover 7 Powerful, Easy To Implement, Keys For Clarity And Reliable Intuition!
Today I wanted to reach out with some practical tips on how to understand and decode intuition.
Today, let’s get some clarity!
My own journey from confusion to clarity in harnessing intuitive wisdom was been life-changing, but I ALSO started out not quite sure how to interpret my intuition from fear, or discerning true guidance from negativity.
(More info on my journey here)
The amazing thing is, as time went on, I learned so much about this art of discernment. The most powerful techniques I found were energy clearing (because when you’re congested with busy thoughts and stress, it’s a LOT harder to hear your intuition), meditation and journaling.
Today I’m sharing more on these, plus a few other techniques – and, how to easily implement them into your life!
Ready to unlock the door to your intuitive potential?
#1. Quiet the Mind
Intuitive insights often come in whispers. During my dark night of the soul, meditation and stillness brought me peace and clarity, creating space for those whispers to be heard.
A key to this is to take some time to go within on a regular basis. You don’t have to call it “meditating” if this sounds too daunting.
Simply taking some time to let your thoughts float away and relax your body will help, to make ROOM for guidance to come through!
#2. Trust Your Inner Knowing
Your gut feelings are often divine nudges from your higher self. Trust those initial impressions – they’re often your soul guiding you towards your true path.
For this to work in an accurate way, it’s highly important to clear fear out of your system as it can otherwise get confusing.
Many people get tied up in confusion from fear “masquerading” as guidance. The truth is that divine guidance is never fearful.
(More on how to tell the difference in this article)
#3. Journal On Your Journey
Keeping a diary of your dreams, synchronicities, and intuitive hits has been crucial for me. Every single day I still write down the angel numbers I see and get screen grabs and note down snippets of dreams, messages from spirit and more.
(I actually have a notes folder on my phone for “Guidance” so I can stay on track over time with what I have been guided to act on, what to drop and what to prioritize!)
Writing down your inner and “outer” experiences helps uncover patterns and deepen your connection to your intuition.
#4. Follow Your Bliss
Intuition often leads us toward what brings us joy and fulfillment. Pay attention to activities or pursuits that light you up inside – they are often aligned with your soul’s purpose.
For example, if you have always been close to children or animals, or found nature or music a sanctuary and happy place in life…
Listen. Those are a part of your soul purpose! When you spend time on these “bliss areas”, your intuition will open.
#5. Practice Consistently
Like any skill, intuition strengthens with practice. Make a habit of tuning into your intuition daily through meditation, reflection, or simply trusting your instincts in everyday decisions.
It’s OK if you’re not an expert to begin with. Neither was I!
My biggest advantage was that I found it fun and mysteriously intriguing, and I enjoyed interacting with my guides. Your guides will be thrilled that you’re seeking to interact with them!
Fun is an energy that will help you open up more than anything else I have experienced, so it will help you a lot if you can take the pressure off yourself and focus on what’s enjoyable when you first start interacting with your guides and higher self.
A tip: Ask your guides and higher self daily what they wish to bring to you, what they wish to tell you to your highest good. Then begin to pay attention – meditate so they can reach you, or go for a walk in nature, or begin to journal and notice as they bring through their messages.
#6. Clear Your Channel
There is one caveat to all this. Most of us need to clear our energy and our spiritual channel in order to be able to receive guidance.
Why? Society is full of fear-based messages and lower energies, so by the time we’ve grown to be adults we are usually highly congested.
It means our guidance can’t get through.
(If you’re seeing angel numbers and signs but nothing really clearer beyond this, there is a LOT more wanting to reach you if you just open up.)
My own guidance has shown me this analogy for it: Receiving intuitive information is a bit like receiving a phone call.
If we’re occupied, if something is on the line keeping it busy all the time, they can’t get through.
Therefore we often open up dramatically if we just take the time to clear our energy of congestion and fear-based information from “3D society”, and take a bit of time to be still so they can reach through.
#7. Awakening Your Third Eye
My own journey into understanding and harnessing my intuitive abilities transformed my life, guiding me from dark times into a place of light and love, so it’s a process I would recommend to every single person on the planet!
Especially if you’re in awakening – who better to guide you than spirit, and your higher self?!
Recently I was shown to begin helping more people in Ascension with this, and create a Free energy session for awakening and cleansing the Third Eye Chakra, which is key to our intuition.
Have a look below to claim it now, and let me know what you think!
This will help open your intuitive channels even more, and learn how to decode your spiritual powers.
As always, I’m sending you love and light for your journey <3
Cassady x