Experience Higher Levels of Love and a New Lease of Life…
Whether You’re Single or Already In a Relationship
Unlock Your True Love Potential
In Just 5 Weeks With The Love Blueprint
Awaken The Power Of Energy Healing, Permanently Shift Your “Hardwiring”
For Love And Relationships
Imagine Waking Up With Your Heart Brimming
with Love Every Day
Imagine being free to let your guard down and allowing love to reach you.
Mutually loving connections with others, based on trust and positivity. No more game playing. No more rollercoaster of ups and downs.
Through my experiences and work I’ve discovered and developed Powerful and Permanent methods for restoring a Healthy Love Blueprint.
What If There’s a Way to…
Discover How To Manifest The Love You Deserve
We grow up surrounded by ideals of love, romance, ideas of the perfect woman and the perfect man… But as we interact with the world we’re often faced with the real life situations of disappointment and hurt. Life simply isn’t like the fairy tales, is what we’re told. Accept it, you have to face the facts.
It’s not just a small portion of the population who struggle with love and relationships, either. Did you know that nearly 50% of all marriages in America end in divorce? And a large amount of those marriages that survive are far from happy…
But How Do You Actually Change Things Around for the Better in a Real Life Way?
That’s where I come in. In my own life experiences and through working as an energy healer and love coach I’ve learned not only what are the major issues that keep people trapped in unfulfilling relationships and with a lack of love for themselves. Importantly, I know how this stuff is locked into your energy field, where the issues are rooted, and how to clear them out for good.
And I want to show you how…
The Love Blueprint is the Most Effective Path to Applying the Principles of Energy Healing that I’ve Learned
Here are just some of the benefits people experience after finishing this program:
This Energy Healing Program is Suitable for You if…

Meet Your Trainer:
Cassady Cayne, Creator Of The Love Blueprint
Love Expert & Relationship Advisor to Thousands
Cassady Cayne is an author and love and relationships energy healer who’s worked with assisting thousands in stepping out of letdowns and hurts, and into attracting more love and rising up into happier, more fulfilling relationships in life… including with themselves.
“As a love coach and intuitive, I see so many people hurting and struggling with letdowns, doubt, hurts… The world seems sadly lacking in love, and I wanted to share this program to inspire, heal and uplift people in their daily lives.
Above all to help as many as possible step into their heart’s true potential, to reignite their spark and begin to thrive…
When a person can begin to live from a place of love and rise into a higher vibration, they positively affect everyone around them too.”

What People Say About This Program

“I am filled with excitement everyday for this journey.”
– Corinne, Ohio, USA

“Simply life altering!”
– Jeanine, California, USA

“I now feel hopeful and empowered for what the future brings.”
– Alexia, Texas, USA
The Love Blueprint Program comes as 10 Powerful Transformational Energy and Coaching Sessions with workbooks, designed to take you through each step of your journey in an easy to follow, concise format! Compatible with tablets, computers and all smart phones, so you can learn on the move. Access any time, anywhere.
Explore The Curriculum

– Clearing Limitations
In this first module, you’ll get years of psychological conditioning and energetic programming rewired. We go through the most common blocks that prevent people from attracting and experiencing lasting love, and I guide you through rediscovering your true power and loveability, connecting you with your deeper soul and heart’s purpose!
Topics include:
Connecting you to your higher consciousness: Discover your true power, and how you can uplift all your relationships into a higher level of connection and love
Uncovering and clearing core blocks that have kept you in recurring cycles of dissatisfaction in love and relationships

– Healing The Past to Uplift the Future
In this second module, we’ll go through decoding and clearing any damaging aspects to your personal Love Blueprint. Did you know that human beings form a core “attachment template” during infancy, which impacts all our adult relationships? And that heartbreak never “goes away”, we just layer stuff on top of it?
Topics include:
What childhood imprinting did you pick up from parents and other caregivers?
What past relationship experiences are stuck in your system, holding you back?
What self worth related life experiences are blocking you from truly attracting the love and relationships you desire?

– What Underlying Negativity Is Sabotaging Your Love And Relationships?
New science in epigenetics shows that ancestral experiences can be traced in later generations’ DNA – only a tiny percentage of humanity have lived in love and happy relationships, and most of us carry the residual energy of earlier times’ struggle, painful childbirths, illness and fear. So to open you up to new and higher levels of love we clear out your “love baggage”.
Topics include:
The Male/Female divide, historical patterns of conflict – are you secretly pushing your true love away?
Module 4 - THE #1 KEY TO TRUE LOVE

– The Core Template to All Your Relationships
What is your relationship with yourself? Did you know that how you feel about yourself impacts every connection you have with others, including what kinds of people and relationships you attract into your life? Others reflect your inner self perception, insecurities and fears back to you. So in this module we go through reworking your self image from the inside out so you can step into your own version of perfection and attract blissful love from the man or woman of your dreams.
Topics include:

– Let’s Talk About XXX
What have your experiences been with sex and your body? How have you felt about your appearance in life? Sexuality and allowing ourselves to be sensually open and truthful with our partner is a key part of true lasting love. So in this module we go through decoding any negative belief structures about sex and your body you’ve taken on during childhood and upbringing.
Topics include:
What were you told about sex and your body growing up, and how is it inhibiting your attraction factor to true love?
Where are your body blocks? What little hangups and perceptions are holding you back in the bedroom? We clear these so you can shift into pure enjoyment, feeling pleasure to the fullest – perhaps for the first time!

– What Are Your Heart’s True Desires?
In this sixth module we go into a deep alpha level meditation clearing that circumvents the mind’s defense mechanisms so we can discover the deeper truth about your heart and your love programming – underlying truths you might have been hiding from. Human beings have layers of intentions, from the body’s desire to be safe and protected to the soul and mind’s desire for growth and fulfillment.
Topics include:
Going deep: Soul meditation to access your heart’s truth – what do you unconsciously long for in a partner and in a relationship?
Removing unconscious counter-intentions to streamline and fuel your forward journey to your true desires

– Who Is Your Dream Lover? (And If You’ve Already Met, How Can You Draw Out More Of Their Ideal Qualities?)
In order to attract your ideal true love it is imperative to get clarity on what you desire and need to feel loved – so in this module we focus on your dream lover, even if you’re already together. Who are they, or what do you most love about them? How will he or she make you feel? How will they feel about having a family, and what will they be passionate about? What kind of a relationship will you have together? Often, people attract the same kind of dysfunction with partners over and over, because they are operating on unconscious patterning.
Topics include:

– Connecting In With Your Soul
In this module we check in again with your heart to discover what’s shifted since the beginning of this program and to see what new “seeds of love” we can plant to boost your relationships and romance even higher.
Topics include:

– Everyday Keys to Lasting, Blissful Love
In this module we go through how to ensure that your ongoing path is positive and continues into increased love and joy – within yourself and in relationships. Most people’s coupling pattern is wired to bliss, passion and excitement at the beginning due to the hormonal and neurological actions of “falling in love” – most often the connection starts to dwindle after a period of a few months to a few years. But what if you could live your “honeymoon” every single day?
Topics include:

Attracting Your Dream Partner (Even If You’re Together Already)
In this ongoing module, which you can use throughout the program – we harness the scientifically proven power of creative visualization to draw in your ideal partner and experience more and more love in your life. Did you know that luminaries like Oprah Winfrey and Jim Carrey and top sports people have used visualization to get to where they are today?
Topics include:
Five Things That Make The Love Blueprint Unique
This transformational journey will permanently shift you into a new lease of life – activating love and increased happiness in all areas of life. Here are the factors that make this program unique:
1) The Program Is Tailored To Your Life:
Created to give you the most powerful shift in an easy format, this program has been mapped out so that all you have to do to get profound benefits, is listen along! Cassady has spent years testing, researching and creating these methods, so you can simply go along with Cassady’s voice and allow her experience to translate into your benefit. Cassady clearly explains the subject matter in an easy to understand way, and takes you step by step through the powerful energy work!
2) Based On Tried And Tested Experience:
3) Practical Training, Healing And Exercises for the Real World:
4) Amazing Results In 5 Weeks With Or Without A Partner:
5) Permanent Change And Uplifting:

“I am finally feeling more calm, clear and confident.”
– Kate, California, USA

“I feel lighter and my lover and I are so much closer.”
– Jessica N, California, USA

“Too many coincidences have happened to mention!”
– Clarity, Victoria, Australia
Click ‘Join The Program’ To Start

What You Get:
The Complete Transformational Love Blueprint Program
8 Hours Of Recorded Coaching With The Internationally Aclaimed Energy Healer And Auhor Cassady Cayne
Easy Daily Energy Sessions to Awaken New Positive Shifts, Plus Workbooks With Uplifting Exercises and Info to Activate New Positive Programming.
10x Deep Audio Sessions and Workbooks
2 x Bonus Meditation Music Sessions
1 x Unconscious Love Reprogramming Audio
Lifetime Access On Your Desktop, Tablet and Smart Phone

Please note that Love Blueprint is a fully digital course and is non-refundable.
I believe deeply in the power of my programs and energy clearing tools and urge you to enroll with a commitment to completing them.
Instant Access

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Access Your Program on Desktop, Tablet and Smartphone
Frequently Asked Questions
Is energy healing for me? What can I gain from this?
With energy healing tools you can literally remove any negative charges that have been creating struggle, separation and lack – both in your love relationships and your life in general. Clearing negativity will actually lift your set point vibration over time, aligning you more and more with positivity and abundance in all ways.
Put simply – this program and the energy clearing tools in it can help you in every way you can imagine! This program is designed to improve all areas of your life – including your love life – and helping you create the life of your dreams!
I’ve tried other meditations and sessions before and they didn’t work - what makes this different?
Many programs will give you information and answers but don’t actually have the capability to change things around in a practical real life way. That’s why the Love Blueprint is so different and why I’m so passionate about energy healing – with these methods we actually re-wire your being, clear out old blocks, remove permanently the negativity that’s been clogging up your system. It’s not just theory – it works on a practical level.
So what really sets this program apart is I don’t just tell you why things have been a certain way – I take you step by step through eradicating the causes of negativity and instil within you new positive energy programming to uplift you for good. We radically recalibrate your Love Blueprint so that you’ll get real life tangible results that last!
What if my love life is already good? Will I still benefit from this?
Do i need a partner for this program?
Do I need any prior knowledge or experience in energy healing to do this?
How can I find out if this will benefit me?
How can i find out if this is a fit for me?
Ask your soul right now: “If I take this program, will I feel and experience more love in my life?”
Allow your soul to show you the answer in feelings. If you feel a tingling sensation, a lightness, excitement, a sense of subtle happiness in your being – this is your soul communicating with you. Your own intuition guiding you to what’s to your highest good.
And in order for you to be confident in taking the next step and taking The Love Blueprint program I’ve created a free energy healing download for you, which will begin to cleanse out negativity from your system and infuse you with new light – this will let you begin to feel the tangible effects of energy healing!
Can I pay in installments?
Join The Program

Please note that Love Blueprint is a fully digital course and is non-refundable.
I believe deeply in the power of my programs and energy clearing tools and urge you to enroll with a commitment to completing them.
Right now you have two choices…
Continue along the path as is… or choose a higher journey
What will you do?

Where Will You Be This Time Next Year?…
By gifting yourself this 5 week transformation, you are investing in your own life’s path. Shifting into a beautiful, more love filled, harmonious future. Unlocking a higher inner state and love life that’s truly worthy of you.
All you have to do is listen along with Cassady’s guidance as she takes you on a journey of positive shifts.
This is a moment where everything can change. Imagine your future self, looking back at this moment here and now. What do you choose?

I believe deeply in the power of my programs and energy clearing tools and urge you to enroll with a commitment to completing them.