I’m so glad you decided to sign up to get my Free Resources! What you’re about to learn are my most powerful and proven insights from coaching thousands of people regarding relationships and love over many years.

As I’ve encountered individuals of all kinds of different backgrounds from all over the world and heard their stories, learned about their situations and early life experiences – I have discovered that there are certain key factors involved in determining someone’s love life.

The Key Negative Factors
that influence a person to experience repeated
disappointments and imbalances in their love relationships and ongoing cycles of hurt and feeling unappreciated…


The Key Positive Factors
that influence someone to have an almost
“magical” ability to attract love, appreciation and closeness from partners and to enjoy a satisfying, rich and fulfilling love life… Whether they’ve been together with someone for a few months or for decades!


Everyone has what I call a “Love Blueprint” – a number of factors that together create a pre-set tendency and pattern for love and relationships – whether positive or negative.

It’s based on a multitude of things, from early childhood experiences to self perception and the cultural beliefs and energy a person has been exposed to throughout life. And we all have a “Love Blueprint!”

But some people have a healthy, balanced one and others are unfortunately operating from a dysfunctional “Love Blueprint” that has them trapped in cycles of dissatisfaction and negativity.

The beauty of what I have discovered through my work is that the Factors that make up your “Love Blueprint” aren’t set in stone (we just think they are).

You really can uplift and change your Love Blueprint for the better once you know-how!

And that’s where I come in. I’ve discovered so much about what affects someone’s “Love Blueprint” – what sets someone up for disappointment in love versus what helps them attract blissful romance and enjoyment.

And I know which methods cause deep, lasting, positive changes.

We all know the world could use more love. If we all felt loved and appreciated, the world would be a better place in so many ways. And it’s not that we don’t deserve love – most often, what blocks us are underlying issues that we could resolve if we just knew how!

So today, I’m thrilled to share with you some key info to help you uplift and heal your “love blueprint” – to enjoy more harmony and wellness in relationships and with yourself.
