Living Your Best, Soul Led Life, Lifting Into Abundance, Harmonizing Love, Manifesting Your Dreams… Learn A Little More About What I Can Help You Achieve, And How!
If you’re new to me and my work, welcome to the blog!
I’m Cassady Cayne, and my whole life was changed >>after I awakened spiritually and began using energy methods to transform blocks, wounds and limits into a life full of light and thriving!
What Can I Help You With?
After guiding, coaching and working with clients for close to a decade now, I would love to help you unlock your best, most soul fulfilling life, and to manifest the amazing life and relationships you’re longing for.
So, in short, my expertise is transformation!
Helping you go from wherever you are right now, no matter where that is and what’s happened in the past, to the life you may have thought would always stay a dream…
What I’ve Seen In My 9 Years As An Energy Healer
Over the last 9 years I transformed my own life and manifested things people (and me myself) would have thought were “impossible”! And, I’ve helped so many others do the same.
To achieve things like more abundance, to start their own successful business, to reunite with an ex they thought was “gone” forever, to enjoy more fun and ease in their lives, and more…
So in short, what can I help you with?
Think about what you’ve been longing for, what feels like it’s missing in your life…
What dreams you’ve been having, and those goals that are so big other people (and your mind) may be trying to say they’re out of reach….
That’s my domain!
And my expertise is in not only guiding you there or coaching you, but to help you create tangible transformation through the quantum energy work I do.
So How Does It Work?
Through my courses, sessions and coaching groups, I will help you transform and reach into more joy, more love, more abundance, more light, more fulfillment.
And you will see tangible results in a short space of time.
If you’re new to my work, definitely use the >>Free Resources here to experience the power of the kind of energy healing I perform.
A Journey of Positive Transformation
Through working with me in my online courses, high level coaching programs and other offerings, I bring you on a transformational journey that helps you reach into your dream life.
After working with me you’ll notice some key areas will have shifted for the better:
1) Your Beliefs
Through my advanced yet down to earth approach to spirituality and the laws of energy, you will understand the world in a different way, and you will feel liberated of so much that may have been weighing you down for years. You’ll notice that you don’t resonate with limiting beliefs anymore. You will feel so much freer.
2) Your Energy
Through the healing work I take you through, you will begin to feel light and full of inspiration, positivity and vitality. More guided and in touch with your intuition. You will feel as if your world is more filled with light and kindness. This is because we gently cleanse out and heal old heaviness, fear, wounds, worries and other low vibrational content that may have blocked your system from full flow and vibrancy.
3) Your Relationships
When we go through the above, and your “automatic” dominant energy vibration, your set-point, changes into a high vibration without you even having to work at it day to day… Other people begin to respond to you differently. You’ll notice strangers seeming friendlier, other people being more helpful, your love partner will begin to seem more kind and display more romantic behaviors, children will seem to listen to you in a different way… In short, your high vibration “pulls up” the dynamic you have with everyone else in your life.
4) Your Finances
When your vibration rises and we cleanse out old fear, worry, shame, guilt and other lower energies and patterns, another “side effect” is that your finances open up to more abundance and flow. I hear this all the time from clients. They may have signed up for a coaching program around love and spirituality, and are surprised to experience that their finances suddenly improve without them fully trying! It’s a result of their energy shifting and them being OPEN to more abundance and “reward”.
5) Your Career
As with all the above, your career will benefit as a pure “side effect” of the energy work, even if you don’t fully try. This is because our career is all about how other people respond to us and our creations/actions. When we cleanse out holdbacks, heal old negative experiences and other things that have likely been deflecting positive appreciation from you, your career opens up in a beautiful way.
6) Your Health/Wellbeing
Yet again, when we cleanse out old stagnation and lower energies and stuck emotions, and bring in pure high vibrational energy, you will tend to experience more vitality, zest for life and better health. Physical health is very individual, so for some people this can take a little longer, while for others it’s almost an overnight change where they feel more filled with light and positive energy. In either case, your body and health will benefit.
Your Ideals Are Not Out Of Reach!
In my close to 9 years of working with clients as an energy healer, intuitive advisor and coach – first in the Twin Flame connection, then expanding to a wider range of clients – I have seen that positive transformation is available to us all, no matter what we have experienced in the past.
And based on experience, I believe that everyone has the potential to unlock their power to live their best life.
So if you’re ready, I invite you to take the first step and get started:
>>FREE Heart Activation Energy Healing Session
>>Instant Access Guided Energy Healing Sessions And Activations
>>The Love Blueprint 5 Week Program For Relationships And Self Love
High Level Coaching And Quantum Energy Healing – >>The 12 Month Manifestation Magic Mastermind
Let’s embark on this journey of positive transformation together!
And as always, I’m sending you love and light for your journey <3