7 Powerful Crystals And Gemstones to Boost Your Manifesting

Powerful Support For Your Manifesting Process – Discover The Crystals And Gemstones That Can Amp Up Your Positive Results… And Make Things Happen Faster!

Manifesting your desires often involves a blend of clear intentions, positive energy, and unwavering belief.

Certain crystals and gemstones can amplify your manifesting power by aligning your energy with your goals and supporting you through blocks that may stand in the way.

Whether you’re manifesting love, career success, or personal growth, here are seven powerful crystals to help you bring your dreams into reality.

Before we start, a note on crystal quality and genuineness: My personal preferred online source for crystals is Conscious Items.

Why is this relevant? Unfortunately there are a lot of low grade crystals and even fakes – glass created to look like crystals – out there these days.

If you order via unverified sellers/stores/social media, this is a risk.

Therefore, I would advise only purchasing where you know the gems and crystals are genuine and high quality.

With that said, let’s get onto 7 of the best gemstones and crystals to support your manifestation process!

(And, the channeled messages that came forth from the crystals…)

1. Citrine – The Stone of Manifestation and Joy

Citrine is often called the “Merchant’s Stone” because of its association with wealth and abundance.

This golden-yellow crystal radiates joy, positivity, and optimism, helping you stay motivated and focused on your goals.

It’s a solar plexus and sacral chakra resonant crystal as it shares these centres’ color of yellow and orange, so it can powerfully support you in believing in your power, and staying confident in the process. 

Citrine’s energy supports you in setting clear intentions, boosting confidence, and attracting opportunities.

How to Use It: Place citrine on your vision board, carry it in your pocket, or keep it in your workspace to stay connected with your goals and inspired throughout the day.

2. Clear Quartz – The Master Amplifier

Clear Quartz is known as the “Master Healer” and “Master Amplifier” because it enhances the energy of any intention.

This crystal clarifies your goals, helps remove doubt, and magnifies your desires.

Clear Quartz can also help release any blockages you may have around receiving what you truly want.

Be aware that when you work with any crystal or gemstone, their frequency tends to show up and “rattle loose” anything in your system that is OUT of alignment with the pure energy it holds.

I.e. if you have negative beliefs around your capability, clear quartz may show these up for you to notice and clear energetically. (I help you with this here in my free webinar session on energy healing)

This means, pay attention when you work with crystals, for best results.

A lot of people miss out on their true power, as they simply place them as an object in their space without consciously “collaborating” with the crystals!

How to Use It: Hold Clear Quartz during meditation or place it near other manifestation crystals to boost their energy. Set your intention by visualizing your goals while holding Clear Quartz.

3. Green Aventurine – The Stone of Opportunity

Green Aventurine is known as the “Stone of Opportunity” and is strongly linked to luck, prosperity, and abundance. This crystal can help open doors to new opportunities, allowing you to manifest success in various areas of your life. It brings a gentle, nurturing energy that makes it easier to approach your goals with ease and confidence.

Green aventurine may push you, it “says”, to claim and act on the opportunities you attract together.

(If you wonder why I’m writing “says”, as a psychic medium I translate for consciousness that wishes to reach you.

This can include your own higher self, animals in your life, loved ones on the other side, your guidance team or even crystals – as they are consciousness. Sometimes they show up messages very strongly, and so I’m sharing that here!).

So, if you feel yourself being nudged to jump in where you feel a bit out of your comfort zone, it may be green aventurine looking to help you make the most of the doors that open for you.

It tells us, it will also seek to bring you out among people who can help you get to your goals, so be willing to interact with others for best results!

Green aventurine will be pulling in people, circumstances and opportunities for you.

How to Use It: Place Green Aventurine in your wallet or keep it on your desk to invite abundance and opportunity. You can also hold it while visualizing your goals, focusing on the growth you desire.

4. Rose Quartz – The Stone of Unconditional Love

Rose Quartz is a beautiful stone for manifesting love, compassion, and self-acceptance.

Manifestation requires a high vibration, and Rose Quartz helps you cultivate feelings of love and gratitude, which are powerful attractors.

It’s especially helpful if you’re working on manifesting a soulmate, stronger relationships, or greater self-love. 

Rose Quartz will help you to get into a state of self forgiveness and self worth, to dissolve any current blocks and deflectors internally which have had you not able to RECEIVE your goals and dreams tangibly.

It is a “quieter” energy than green aventurine, and may simply feel like the soft and comforting energy of “you are loved, you deserve love, all is well, and even the Universe cares for you”.

Rose Quartz’ message is that you will be surprised at how much opens up when you embrace love for yourSELF, and inner wholeness.

It will support you in this, but it will require your cooperation, for example in becoming gentler in how you speak to yourself and how you might touch your body.

Because a lot of us have harshness toward ourselves, as we have been shown this in the world.

Rose Quartz will help you be gentle, loving and caring – which will then open the doors to your desires much more.

How to Use It: Keep Rose Quartz near your heart during meditation or place it in your bedroom to invite loving, harmonious energy. Visualize yourself surrounded by love as you hold this crystal, and focus on radiating love outward.

“Listen” to what it tells you emotionally. You may sense that it wants to send love into certain parts of your being, to help you heal.

(For a deep healing program where I help you clear childhood wounds and other blocks to love, have a look here – I created a video for you on what’s involved and why you may need it)

5. Amethyst – The Stone of Intuition and Spiritual Connection

Amethyst is a powerful crystal for enhancing intuition and aligning with your higher self.

Manifesting is more effective when you’re tuned in to your inner guidance, and Amethyst helps you receive insights from your soul.

This crystal supports clear thinking and helps remove mental blocks, making it easier to connect with what you truly want.

Amethyst will also help you reconnect with soul memories and the knowing that you are an infinite being capable of manifesting your desires.

In this process it will activate your third eye chakra, and show up any material such as negative, false or limiting beliefs that have told you that you cannot have your dreams come true – so that you can clear these.

After you do this, Amethyst “says”, your guidance will be much more easily able to show you the next steps to take in order to attain your desires in the tangible physical reality!

How to Use It: Meditate with Amethyst to receive intuitive guidance about your goals, or place it under your pillow to enhance your dreams and deepen your connection to your intentions.

6. Pyrite – The Stone of Manifestation and Confidence

Pyrite, often known as “Fool’s Gold,” is a powerful stone for manifesting wealth and confidence. This crystal brings the energy of determination and mental clarity, helping you stay focused on your goals.

Pyrite’s grounding energy also protects you from self-doubt or fear, boosting your confidence as you move toward success.

It will help you to feel lucky, successful and to become magnetic to those positive things.

In other words, it will be working with your self belief, so it may also show up any limiting perceptions you would benefit from releasing.

It is “saying”, you deserve all your dreams come true, and it will work with you to make this happen. There is a lot of love for you.

It shows us, those who are gentle and caring are often those who will do the most good in the world, and yet they aren’t allowing themselves to receive abundance and success.

Therefore, it will help you with this from a deeply kind and caring place. You *are* special.

You are an earth angel, sent here to awaken to love and the knowing that the Universe cares about everyone.

How to Use It: Keep Pyrite in your workspace or near where you manage finances to support financial growth. Hold it while setting your financial goals, visualizing abundance flowing into your life.

7. Carnelian – The Stone of Physical Receiving

Carnelian is a vibrant orange stone that stimulates motivation, creativity, and passion. It’s especially helpful for manifesting goals that require determination and new ideas.

Carnelian encourages you to take action, bringing your dreams to life and helping you overcome any procrastination or fear of taking the first step.

It resonates with the sacral and root chakras, which are all about receiving and creating your manifestations in the 3D physical.

Carnelian can be an intense energy, and if you’re sensitive like me, it could be “too much” for you early in your manifestation process. Be mindful of this stone’s power.

It can rattle your root chakra to purge old survival, poverty consciousness and other limiting patterns, as it “wants” to help you – but in my own experience it can be intense if you have grown up with a lot of limitation and fear energies. 

Experiment with how Carnelian can best support you.

It’s possible you flow well with it, but keep your eyes open.

Ultimately, the energy of Carnelian is almost ruthlessly protective and loving towards you – as if it will battle and vanquish anything that dares to hold you back or tell you that you cannot experience your desires made manifest.

Therefore, make sure you’re ready before “unleashing” Carnelian’s power.

(I had to keep a group of 7 carnelian stones in a drawer for about a year earlier on my journey, as I simply had too much negativity that started purging when I intended to work with it.

Now, we work well together, but it’s still one of the most intense stones I have.)

How to Use It: Keep Carnelian on your desk to stay energized and motivated. Use it during creative projects or visualize your goals while holding Carnelian to bring a spark of inspiration to your manifestation journey.

Amplify Your Manifestation Journey with Crystals

Crystals are powerful tools to support your manifesting intentions by aligning your energy and encouraging positive vibrations.

Whether you’re focusing on abundance, love, or creativity, these crystals can help amplify your goals and remove any energetic blocks along the way.

If you’re curious to learn how close you are to receiving your desires, try my Free Manifestation Assessment.

I really hope you enjoyed this article! The crystals and gemstones can be potent supporters and guides on your manifestation journey.

If you feel called, do share in the comments which crystals and/or gemstones are YOUR favourites. I’d love to know.

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I’m Cassady, Spiritual
intuitive, energy coach
and author. I’m here to
help you awaken your
soul’s highest potential
to live YOUR best
life YOUR way!

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I'm Cassady! Intuitive coach, astrologer and bestselling spiritual author. I'm passionate about sharing the secrets of energy and the universe, to help awaken your highest potential and live YOUR best life YOUR way!

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