Welcome to the “high vibe tribe”! I’m really excited for you about what you’re about to experience!

My own life has completely transformed after I began using energy healing methods, and I’ve seen it happen for thousands of my clients and readers too.

I get emails, comments and messages every single day from people who tell me their lives have changed since using my sessions – and I am so happy to be able to share these “magic tools” with you!

And know that the results of energy work are compounding: they get stronger and stronger and more and more positive as you go along! Prepare for “miracles”!



Using this energy healing regularly will help you heal old heartbreak and provide a fresh and positive new beginning in your relationships, even if you are currently with someone! You’ll feel safer and well to open your heart, and allow your true light to shine, and you’ll begin to attract more positivity and harmony from others due to this!

My favorite part of the session is when we have your heart call in your ideal counterpart – whether or not you already know them! This is a powerful clarion call that will bring tangible real-world shifts you’ll be excited about!

Over time this session will powerfully amp up your relationships into more sparkle, harmony, mutual attraction and happiness – and importantly, you’ll feel more whole and well inside.

SELF love increases too when we heal and activate the heart.

I’m really excited for you about these shifts!

Know that it’s “normal” not to feel anything during the session to begin with – i.e. tangible shifts in your body or emotions. That’s what I myself experienced to begin with too. But the further you go, the more clear your system gets and you begin to notice the shifts tangibly.


Generally, use your intuition as to how often you do each session. I would recommend using this once per week to start with to create major results, without triggering “too much” heaviness to release at one time.

In short, when your inner state and outer reality are “ideal”, that’s when you know you’re “done”!



Set the intention that you are open and willing to receive these healings and shift out of anything that has held you back, and that you are ready to start your journey afresh from a new place of positivity.

And let’s begin!
