Ascension Energy Update February 3rd – 9th: “Divine Love Portal”

Once-In-A-Lifetime Portal Of Divine Love Open In Pisces, Before We Fully Enter The New Era Of Ascension. Codes Of Soul Remembrance Incoming. Plus, Venus in Aries – The Warrior Princess Awakens: Embracing Courage, Confidence, and New Beginnings. 

Welcome to a brand new week in the cosmic energies!

We’ve got some really big shifts happening this week that are all about stepping into your power, owning your light, and embracing the next chapter of your spiritual path.

If you’ve been feeling off balance or facing deep emotional triggers lately, there’s a good reason for it—and now you have an opportunity to rise above it all.

Highlights this week include:

Venus joins Neptune and the North Node in Pisces for a rare, life-changing conjunction.

Venus enters Aries: Confidence, action, and courage take center stage.

Mercury sextiles Chiron, supporting healing through self-expression and vulnerability.

Sun conjunct Mercury (cazimi): A surge of inspiration as you are pushed closer to your soul’s true path.

Jupiter direct in Gemini: Expanding your perspective to see new opportunities.

Rare Venus-Neptune Conjunction

This week brings one of the most potent cosmic alignments of the year: Venus, Neptune, and the North Node meeting in Pisces.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime event, signaling a deep activation of your soul’s path.

It’s opening to a reconnection with light, and divine coding of unconditional love and unity consciousness incoming…

before we fully launch into a new era of Ascension with major planetary shifts later in spring.

This portal can be subtle, you may even just feel a bit foggy. It’s OK, as your system is recalibrating on several levels.

This is activating and bringing online higher facets of your crown and higher heart chakras.

A Portal for Awakening

You COULD feel drawn to explore new creative or spiritual pursuits, or you could experience sudden clarity about the people and experiences that are meant to be part of your life moving forward.

It’s about allowing higher love and unity consciousness to take root in your physical reality.

However, for this new version of life to manifest, you’re being called to release old beliefs and attachments that no longer serve you.

Let go, and make room for the miracles that want to come in.

To anchor this energy and align with your higher path, I’d recommend exploring the Soul Code Activation this week.

Venus Moves into Aries: Divine Feminine Power

Venus later shifts into Aries – still in the conjunction – ushering in a “warrior princess” energy into the portal and our lives.

This is all about the Divine Feminine leading the way in the coming Ascension era.

It’s time to stop shrinking, putting others’ needs first, or hesitating in fear.

Aries energy asks you to take bold steps toward your desires with courage and conviction.

Stop Shrinking For Others

How often have you held yourself back, worried about how others would perceive you?

Now is the time to prioritize your dreams and goals. Be unapologetic about pursuing what lights you up.

Whether it’s making a career change, embracing a passion project, or simply setting boundaries, this is your moment to embody the version of yourself that is empowered, confident, and ready to lead your own path.

Mars Square Chiron: Healing the Deeper Wounds

With Mars retrograde square to Chiron, you may notice deep emotional triggers surfacing, especially around old wounds.

The phenomenon “Hurt people hurt people,” is in focus. You might see this playing out in others’ behavior—particularly among those who carry unresolved trauma.

Awareness is needed, and many Masculine dominants are being pushed to finally confront their inner fears and wounding – looking at their childhood above all.

Mercury and Chiron: The Power of Vulnerability

Mercury forms a sextile to Chiron, encouraging honest communication. When you open up and share your struggles, it can take away the power of shame and fear.

It’s a healing moment for the collective, as more people realize they’re not alone in their experiences.

Vulnerability becomes a tool for connection and strength.

This transit may prompt you to rethink old judgments you’ve carried.

Have you ever believed that struggling with your health, career, or love life meant you were somehow unworthy or “less than”?

These outdated perspectives are asking to be cleared. You are always loved and supported by the universe.

The key is to recognize that these limiting beliefs are simply illusions that can no longer hold power over you when you choose to let them go.

(If you want to upgrade your inner setpoint for love and self love, have a look at my process here.

Before I used this, I had zero confidence and self love, and was constantly shrinking away from being seen.

If you could use more confidence and spark in your life, I’d strongly recommend taking a look at this).

Mars Trine Saturn: Taking Responsibility

Mars retrograde also trines Saturn, meaning the Masculine collective is being called to take responsibility for their energy and actions.

When you choose to release opposition and take ownership of your path, you unlock the ability to move forward with grace and strength.

Sometimes, moving forward requires being OK with others not understanding, or letting them be wrong.

It frees you up for what serves you better, to release it.

Sun Cazimi Mercury: Illuminating Your True Path

This week also features the Sun conjunct Mercury (cazimi), bringing powerful insights and heightened awareness.

It can feel foggy and confusing, but it’s opening to a new version of self to rise forth.

Greater parts of your higher self coming online in your life.

You may feel an internal push to release what no longer aligns with you soul’s purpose. It might feel intense and even confusing at times, but this is part of the recalibration process.

Stay grounded, journal your thoughts, and notice how clarity emerges.

Jupiter Direct in Gemini: Seeing the Good

Jupiter’s forward motion in Gemini encourages you to shift your perspective.

Try to see your current situation from a higher vantage point. What opportunities are hiding in plain sight?

Being brave enough to take even a small first step can create momentum and lead to breakthroughs.

A Glimpse at Next Week

As we move toward next week’s Full Moon in Leo, tensions may rise for those who are unwilling to embrace the immense change that’s brewing.

Resistance and power struggles could emerge, but here’s a powerful reminder: when you choose not to engage in conflict, you remove its power.

Picture a tug-of-war rope. If only one person is pulling, there’s no tension—it simply falls slack.

Let go of the struggle, and you’ll find peace – you’ll be open to your own higher path.

Until next time, I’m sending you love and light for your continued journey. You’ve got this!

Hey there!

I’m Cassady, Spiritual
intuitive, energy coach
and author. I’m here to
help you awaken your
soul’s highest potential
to live YOUR best
life YOUR way!

Hey There

I'm Cassady! Intuitive coach, astrologer and bestselling spiritual author. I'm passionate about sharing the secrets of energy and the universe, to help awaken your highest potential and live YOUR best life YOUR way!

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